On the Avenue: Contested Narratives
Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Time: 5–6:15pm
Location: Zoom
Take a virtual walk down Washington Avenue's cultural corridor! In this edition of the informative series hosted by FIU's three SoBe arts outposts, we're looking at the research and curatorial processes involved in presenting challenging material. A keynote by Rebecca Friedman, director of The Wolfsonian Public Humanities Lab, will lead into 20-minute experiences covering: artifacts that carry difficult histories, including KKK objects (speaker: Jacqueline Goldstein, Jewish Museum of Florida curator); strategies involved in showcasing Nazi propaganda posters and paraphernalia (speaker: Jon Mogul, Wolfsonian associate director of curatorial + education); and the Black Madonna of Częstochowa, an icon co-opted by clashing cultures (speaker: Jacek J. Kolasinski, Ratcliffe Art + Design Incubator founding director, FIU professor, and MBUS researcher).